
The lesson he taught us are shaped by valuable hands of experience, and an easy to comprehend strategy to excel in a market with great potential.

Eelko Lommers

Property Investor

Marne van Veenendaal

Property Investor

Thanks to Immanuel, I knew what to ask my mortgage lender and what I needed to do to reduce the interest on my mortgage.
He hands you the tools to take full control over your own finances with his easy-to-implement approach.

Madeleine Bletterman

Property Investor

Frans van Oekel

Property Investor

Your book gives great tools to get immediate insight on my current financial situation.
I have known Immanuel for over 15 years after meeting at a networking meeting. When I first met Immanuel, I didn’t have much property knowledge at all and he has been a great mentor and role model to me ever since. Every time I have had new ideas and started various different projects, Immanuel has provided me with a lot of help and advice and has guided me through many processes to avoid making mistakes but has also challenged me to think more creatively and have bigger goals. I have met a lot of people on my journey and a [...]

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Simon Wilson

Property Investor

Jane Falkoner

Property Investor

Hi, I'm Jane and I met Immanuel last year through a mutual friend ……. I had tried to sell my 2 bedroom flat for 12 months with no success and was finding it harder and harder to meet the mortgage payments each month and was desperate to sell and make a fresh start somewhere else. But I was trapped / stuck and couldn’t see a way out … my lender wasn’t prepared to allow me to rent out my property and I didn’t know where to turn etc etc!!! The service he offered meant I could move away from my [...]

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I have known Immanuel now for a number of years.  During this time I attended his 12 month Mastermind Group where he has taught me not only the basics of investing in property but how to invest in a sophisticated manor, to make wise investment decisions and how to avoid the many hidden pitfalls of developments. Immanuel stands out from the crowd with his enthusiastic way of engaging people.  He takes time to listen and advise.  There have been several occasions where I personally have needed advise and Immanuel was always there to take a call.  His wealth of knowledge and [...]

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Sarah Boult

Property Investor

You suggested I should go see Zeitgeist. I did. And it is mind blowing. We are all rats running to produce millions of dollars for a few. Now I am really determined to get out of the rat race. Thanks for the tip !!
I don´t think you remember me but i sure do remember you. You told me that if i had some thing special to offer to the world I was not allowed to keep that from the world. This statement really helped me to have more confidence in my self. I increased my income with 50 % after the financial freedom workshop. And still growing. so thank you for just that brief moment that we shared our essence.
A big compliment for your performance on stage at the FFI seminar last weekend. You did GREAT!
Your information and lessons during the Financial Freedom weekend were mind blowing and very valuable.
thank you so much for your inspiring training last weekend. I almost finished your book and made my first (2) passive euro's to day 🙂
It was an amazing Weekend at the Financial Freedom Intensive. My world is different now.
Thanx for the home study course I feel like a real business lady already and its better for the marriage as well!
I really appreciated your presentation at the FFI. I bought your book and read it all at once. I really would like to learn more about property investments, please keep me informed about possible courses which you offer on this subject.
The 6 steps to financial freedom' by Immanuel Ezekiel, is about how to turn debt, like your mortgage, into wealth and create streams of passive income. What a great book, loaded with easy to understand and do'able concrete steps. The first self-help book I actually read till the very last page, and what's more, I couldn't put down! Immanuel, thank you for being my trainer at Open Circles Academy. With 360 other students I absorbed your knowledge like a sponge. You tought me the difference between good debts and bad debts in a way that proves you're an expert on [...]

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Immanuel taught me in a very energetic way how to manage my money, he showed me a way to obtain a passive income and how to get rid of debts. His way of teaching was very inspiring, interactive and motivating. I definitely would like to learn more about this and to bring this into practice.
Thanks again for your great lessons this weekend. My wife and I just finished setting up our 'debt destroyer plan' in Excel. Next Wednesday we start putting things in motion with our financial advisor! Debt free in 10 years is the current goal!
Thanks for the great inspiration during the Open Circles Financial Freedom training. I'm bringing your tips already into practice, getting rid of my car debt immediately. Next step is the mortgage.
Thanks for the insight & your great book. I enjoyed last weekend with the Financial Freedom Course.
Thks for last weekend, this gave me some great tools to work with. Have a great day
I've met Immanuel at the Financial Freedom event of Open Circles where he contributed with two presentations about Real Estate and Dept reduction. I remember him as really passionate and fascinated about the subjects. With that energy he moved all of the 360 people present. Although the time was too little to get all information, it was enough to leave me interested and hungry for more. I hope we'll meet again.
Immanuel is a authentic speaker with an excellent knowledge of finance on real- estate and property, about which he speaks with so much passion and flair. As a serial entrepreneur he understands how to benefit from the crisis in a way that's doable for everyone. Immanuel is a person you want to get to know in person as well as in your network of successful professionals.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge last weekend. I immediately paid off the high interest part of my student loan and it feels great. I'm certainly going to promote your book to all my friends! Thank's again and hope to meet you again some day.
Thank you for your insights and energy last weekend at the Open Circles Academy Financial Freedom.
I was impressed by you negotiation skills at the breakthrough to success. And now I'm even more impressed by the amount of information you tought us during the Financial Freedom. Thank you! And with your book I will reach financial freedom within 2012.
1st of all, I'd like to congratulate you on your training abilities at Open Circles this weekend. I think you have a lot of flair and a great speaker.
Really inspiring talk at the Financial freedom seminar and I'm very interested to get more knowledge and information to make my first steps possible. The goal is financial freedom.
Thank you for the great advice you gave me. I loved your financial wheel for it's giving me the awareness I needed. I'd also like to complement you on your performance. You looked really at ease on stage.
It was privileged to hear you speak at the financial freedom a few days ago; I found your story very inspiring!
I really appreciate what you shared and said in Financial Freedom. I heard my father saying: When he talked about the houses, I really went mad. He was really excited about it. I think you are really smart, whatever you’re teacher said. Fortunately, you didn't listen to him
My compliments on your stage performance and the content you gave me about Real Estate. I have already started to read your book and it’s a very read easy. Great job.
Thanks for the valuable info shared with us during Financial Freedom. It gave me the feeling that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I appreciated the honest look in your eyes, to see you are part of the people doing their best to help others and not just taking advantage.
Thank you for connecting and I want to thank you so much for sharing your wisdom during Financial Freedom last weekend!,
I just read your book (inspiring)
Thank you for the very useful tips about mortgages and property Investment ideas last weekend! Your book is an excellent syllabus for all the things you told us at the F.F. seminar
Thank you for a Fantastic weekend. What a fantastic energy! Its a really good feeling knowing what to do, and that you know you're on the right track to something beautiful. Already busy implementing, lots to do. ;o)
Thanks for your inspiration on the 'Financial freedom' course.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom this weekend. It gave me a totally different view on my financial potential, and the strategies to make it happen. I just started implementing step 1: read your book.

Martin van der Velden

Createur d'Aventure

Ben Kennan

Property Investor

Immanuel possesses a rare ability to be able to see a wide array of angles and deal structures for every property transaction, and the judgment and experience to be able to select and execute the optimal strategy for the project and its stakeholders. This allows him to find the potential in projects that others have dismissed as unviable. In developing deal structures, Immanuel actively  searches for outcomes that reward all stakeholders, knowing that a successful career is earned over many years of fair and straightforward deal making.  


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